The Kessel Run

Ah, the Kessel run.
Even the starwars.comentry doesn't tell me what I want to know.
Is Kessel another planet?
A solar system?
A company?
An Empire?
I always thought Kessel was some other place...

But Threepio worried that he'd be sent to the Spice mines of Kessel - does he know he's over Tattooine?
and Han Solo ran in the Kessel Run and here he is on Tatooine...?
Always this suggestion that Jabba runs a Spice empire...
Is Kessel supposed to be on Tatooine?

This doesn't even matter to the story or to the Paradigm
It may just be another good example of the subtlty of Lucas' storycraft

The screenplay describes Solo's boast as "obvious misinformation".
The interpretation offered in the screenplay does not match the reality of the on-screen Star Wars uninverse.
If this is supposed to be nonsense bragging then it's completely out of character for Solo - he never again says anything like it.
It sounds very much like something a real spacer would say.
(sure, we could discuss the possibility that Lucas just screwed up and that the whole Expanded Universe explanation for the Kessel run is just a retroactive continuity fix (or 'retcon') but that would require us to treat these historical documents as fantasies dreamed up by a storyteller. So we won't be doing that:).
The Kessel run offers proof to some of the staff (namely, Sara Chrenen) of Blackwolf Comics that Lucas somehow channeled, rather than wrote, the Star Wars epic.
The contention being simply that no one could have written it that well.

I think it could have been written that well, I think other things have been written that well.
Usually, the author clues us in more obviously - or at all.
Star Wars is played so matter-of-factly that I think it constitutes an entirely different mode of storytelling.
There's simply no explanation for things that would not bother to be explained in the story universe.