Wookies and droids have their place

Okay, where's Chewie's medal and what the fuck are the droids doing there?

For a long time I wanted to find every reason to suspect and loath the droids
In the final analysis, these droids are the tools of the royal family
Very good tools
They are serving the royals as they always have, through diplomacy and protection

So what about Chewie's medal, you say?
There has been much effort by propagandists over the years to 'correct' this.
Chewie gets a medal in the comic book version.
He gets a medal in the novel.
There's even an action figure of him that's got a medal.
But as we can clearly see from the actual recorded evidence, Chewie did NOT get a medal.

Chewie doesn't get a medal because he's Han's pet
That's why everyone thinks it's so damn cute that he barks during the ceremony.