Non-verifiable scenes

We should try to determine what can be considered verifiable, and under what circumstances material can be considered suspect.

Verifiable scenes would be anything that can be corraborated by one or more verifiably present characters. This actually includes most of the footage in all three movies.

Unverifiable scenes are those that take place WITHOUT corraborating witnesses. We are concerned specically here with scenes involving Luke,the son of Anakin Skywalker. The following are parts of the story that should be considered unverifiable:

1.....Luke hears and sees ghosts: NOT verifiable - no one else hears or sees them.

2.....After being attacked by a wampa, Luke can move objects with his mind: NOT verifiable - no one else is there except a beast who cannot be interviewed.

3.....Luke trains with Yoda on Degobah: NOT veriviable - Luke finds out Yoda's hidden location by supposedly talking to a ghost. No one else is with him while on Degobah except his droid, who is re-programmable. No one else can verify Yoda's existence because during his second visit Luke claims Yoda died without leaving a corpse.

4.....Luke denies joining his father and the Emperor: NOT verifiable - The only one who survives the meeting between Luke, Vader, and the Emperor is (you guessed it) Luke.

5.....Episodes I, II, and III: NOT verifiable - I mean, LOOK AT THEM! Isn't it obvious? Most of the footage is rendered in front of digital backdrops, and it shows. All participants (except C3-P0 and R2-D2) are dead by the time these stories are told to us, AFTER Luke has gained power.


Star Wars---Empire Strikes Back---Return of the Jedi
Phantom Menace---Attack of the Clones---Revenge of the Sith