What's with Han?

Han is an important character in the Paradigm. He acts as a shield between Leia and Luke. Leia seems to 'end up' relying on criminals. She has to - the only people consistently immune to Jedi mind tricks are those on the dodge, the criminal set. Later Han and Lando BOTH are promoted to high ranking positions. I suppose the idea is that when the time comes, she will have enough criminals around to keep the Jedi in line. Good luck.

We learn that Han has not yet paid off Jabba the Hutt. Why not, exactly? He got his payment near the end of the last movie. In the Expanded Universe the payment was part money, part spice (remember the "spice mines of Kessel"?) because Han is a spice smuggler. Spice is a drug, according to every source in the Expanded Universe, so Han is a drug smuggler. This is interesting not only as an indication of the company these Rebels keep, but because the Rebels are able to pay the drug smuggler with the drug he smuggles. Huh?

Note that the word spice is never capitalized in the Star Wars universe. Presumably because one Frank Herbert's estate would be able to collect royalties. If you doubt then check Star Wars Origins' Dune page. Either Lucas 'borrowed' extensively from Herbert, Lucas is Herbert, or perhaps Star Wars and Dune are different descriptions of the same thing - your choice, it's fun!

We're next treated to the grade-school level scene of Han Solo throwing a tantrum because Leia doesn't give him a steamy send-off. The fact that this drug smuggler can't figure out why the Rebel leader/princess isn't over-eager to jump his bones is testament to his naivete. While refreshingly innocent considering the blood-hungry despot wannabe's he's hangin' with, this naivete only serves to make Solo an unwitting pawn in the galactic power struggle.

Soon after, while trying to depart we find that Chewie has dismantled part of the Falcon, performing some sort of maintenance or repair (or stalling?). Han berates and shouts at his friend and longtime companion, presumably still miffed at Leia's rebuff.

Threepio then tells him of Luke's absence. Dealing with this Jedi-programmed 'protocol' droid always entails wariness on the part of one such as Solo (that is, a criminal), but this time Threepio can barely get a word in. Han finally slaps his hand over Threepio's mouth hole while he accosts the deck officer. Lighten up, Han - ain't nobody else gettin' laid in this movie.

When Han finds out Luke has not checked in he's ready to charge out to find him (good friend he). Speeder's haven't been adapted to the cold yet so he jumps on a tauntaun. Told by one of the handlers that "Your tauntaun will freeze before you reach the first marker", Han replies "Then I'll see you in hell!". Jesus H Christ Solo, fucking relax. What space bug crawled up your butt and died, asshole?



Star Wars---Empire Strikes Back---Return of the Jedi
Phantom Menace---Attack of the Clones---Revenge of the Sith