The Dropa Disks were supposedly discovered in 1938 in the mountain range Bayan
Kara-Ula, on the boarders of China and Tibet by a team of archeologists who were
doing a survey of a series of interlinking caves in the area. During the
excavation of these caves, a series of graves were discovered, and when
unearthed they were found to contain the remains of some unusual humanoid
figures. The bodies, averaging less than four feet in length and with
disproportionately large sculls, were determined not to be the remains of and
ape race, due to the bodies having been buried. What further fascinated the
archeological team was the discovery of a stone disc that was about (and you�ll
hear widely varying figures on this) 12'' across, with a �'' hole in the center.
Spiraling from the center of the disc outward and then back, forming a double
spiral, was a grooved line that continued very tiny writing in an unknown
language. Over the course of the next 20 years, 715 more of these discs were
discovered, all of which were sent to various locations in China for further
study. The writing on these discs was not translated until 1962 when Professor
Tsum Um Nui of the Beijing Academy for Ancient Studies finally broke the code.
His paper on the subject was banned from publishing for 2 years before in was
finally released to the public. The story told in the discs was that of a alien
spaceship that crashed on earth 12,000 years ago with no hope of repair and no
way to call for help. This race, the Dropas, went to seek help from the local
tribesmen, the Ham, who killed most of them due to their unusual appearance �
very short, large heads, yellow skin. (are you jiving a pattern here?) Finally
the surrounding tribes caught on to the Dropas peaceful intentions, and stopped
killing them.
Later, a Russian scientist, Dr. Vyatcheslav Saitsev, noting the similarity of
the disks to long-playing phonograph records, placed one on a special
"turntable" (i have yet to find ANY account of this that will say what
exactly a 'special turntable' is.) and "played" it. He claimed that
the disk emitted a strange "hum", supposedly as though it contained
"electrical circuitry" or had "once been exposed to very high
voltage." Also, when a chemical analysis was done, the discs were found to
contain large amounts of cobalt, which is native to the BayanKara-Ula area.
So here we stand today, with a scratchy past stretching behind us. When further
research was done recently on the journalists, archeologists, and scientists
that were supposedly involved in the situation, none of them seem to have ever
existed in any way, other than when used in reference to the Dropas. Adding to
that, to the best of my knowledge, none of the other discs have been translated
yet. HmmmmMMMMmmm. The journals that related articles were published in were
often comparable of tabloids, and when the current director of the Banpo Museum,
where some of the discs had been stored, was asked where the discs were now, he
said they had disappeared. But. The tribes that live in that area today - the
Hans and the Dropas - are of unusually small stature - less than five feet in
height, and have yellowish skin and large heads. Their origin has never been
identified, as they are neither Chinese nor Tibetan. Also, on the walls of the
caves archaeologists found crude pictures of the rising sun, the moon,
unidentifiable stars and the earth all joined together by lines of pea-sized
dots. The cave drawings have been dated to (pijihahaha!) around 12,000 years
Maaaah. So that�s the short and sweet story of the Dropas. Really frustrating,
in my opinion. I�ve got another unrelated and yet mysteriously similar story i
can tell, if you want.
All i ask for is one ligetimate undenyable testimony of alien life!