Asteroid field

While it is fun to watch Han's flying abilities and all the beautiful scenery of the asteroid field, you might ask youself why the hell three star destroyers and a retinue of TIE fighters are pursuing this one little Rebel ship? It's not because the princess is aboard, the Imperials have no indication that she'd be aboard at this point. They're not after Solo for past smuggling charges, I'm guessing.

The Millenium Falcon is the only conclusive lead Vader has at this point. It was the ship that shot it's way out of docking bay 94 in Mos Eisley. The same ship brought Kenobi aboard the Death Star and trundled back off with the princess. It's also the same ship that shot Vader's TIE fighter at the battle of Yavin IV. And now it's here in the Hoth system when they track down the Rebels. On second thought, I guess there's no mystery why Vader wants this ship that badly.

Han parks the Falcon inside an asteroid to lay low for a while. Meanwhile Luke arrives in Dagobah orbit and and crashes soon after. Let's start trying to keep track of elapsed time. From leaving Hoth to the Falcon flying inside the asteroid - a half hour or so? Luke's approach to Dagobah happens, apparently, shortly after. Then the crew of the Falcon does some repair work for, what, a few hours? Nobody goes to sleep. Nobody changes clothes. Nobody eats. So, not much time at all. We'll try to tally this as we go. Why? Luke meets up with everybody on Bespin.

How long was he supposed to be on Dagobah? If you were fooled like I was, I'll bet you think it was a lot longer than it turns out to be

Luke only seems mildly annoyed at the situation of crashing his ship in a swamp. Once he knows R2 isn't lost in the bog, he's not terribly worried about the droid. Both of these reactions are completely warrented as the tech of the Star Wars universe is quite durable.

Being a farm kid from the desert world of Arak-- er... Tatooine, Luke thinks nothing of jumping neck-deep into alien swamp water. Good move.

And just in case you weren't impressed by R2's resilence to water, he's then engulfed and spit fifty feet through the air by some watery beast. How much can your personal computer take?

Luke then ponders aloud wondering if he's going crazy. Hmmm...

We're then treated to a view of Vader's scarred and bald head. This man has paid his dues fighting the royals and their Jedi thugs. It's here that we learn that Vader himself is fueling the pursuit of the Falcon:

Another quick transition takes us to the band aboard the Falcon for a quick update. Threepio's concerned at the idea that he might be shut down. Weren't so worried about it back at Kenobi's house, were ya?


Star Wars---Empire Strikes Back---Return of the Jedi
Phantom Menace---Attack of the Clones---Revenge of the Sith